My name is Pere (catalan for Peter) and I'm from Barcelona
How long have you worked with piercings?
I've been piercing for about 8 years now!
What’s the best thing about being a piercer?
For me the best is when you can tell when a client has that confidence boost after getting pierced. Love making people happy with my work
Your best piercing healing tip?
Don't overclean your piercing, sometimes less is more. Keep it clean but unstressed
What makes Maria Black piercing experience special?
I think that we offer many options in jewellery for many kinds of styles. It's easy to find something you like and can get pierced with right away.
Name your top 3 favorite Maria Black Piercing jewellery
Teardrop 4, Hepburn and Molten.
My name is Pere (catalan for Peter) and I'm from Barcelona. How long have you worked with piercings? I've been piercing for about 8 years now! What’s the best thing about being a piercer? For me the best is when you can tell when a client has that confidence boost after getting pierced. Love making people happy with my work. Your best piercing healing tip? Don't overclean your piercing, sometimes less is more. Keep it clean but unstressed. What makes Maria Black piercing experience special? I think that we offer many options in jewellery for many kinds of styles. It's easy to find something you like and can get pierced with right away. Name your top 3 favorite Maria Black Piercing jewellery. Teardrop 4, Hepburn and Molten.